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Fraudster cons police officers millions in fake promotion deal

Fred Enanga wondered how the scammer gained access to personal and confidential information of officers implicated in the scam and said that arresting the scammer will help the force get to the bottom of the puzzle.

Police Spokerspeson Fred Enanga said Detective at CMI are tracking down the suspected scammer

KAMPALA, UGANDA: Detectives from the Criminal Investigations Directorate are investigating how a fraudster conned several police officers millions of shillings in a fake promotion deal.

The police spokesperson, Fred Enanga yesterday revealed that the conman posed as a senior officer from Human Resources Directorate at the police headquarters to call targeted officers asking them for money to get them promotions to the next rank.

“He calls himself Senior Superintendent of Police Ronald Mushe on phone number 0761987638 and claims to be from the human resource department at police headquarters who fleeces money from police officers with promise of getting them promotions to the next rank,” Enanga said, adding that the CID cyber unit has already started tracking the scammer after several victims raised complaints to their various commanders.

Enanga wondered how the scammer gained access to personal and confidential information of officers implicated in the scam and said that arresting the scammer will help the force get to the bottom of the puzzle.

Victimized officers face charges

Additionally, Enanga revealed that police officers who have fallen victim to the scam will have to answer disciplinary charges for accepting to pay for promotions yet they are well aware that they are not paid for.

“We want to strongly condemn this act but again want to remind all officers that police ranks are never bought or deemed for sale. We have asked commanders to get complaints of all those officers who have been parting with money under this unlawful arrangement to buy ranks so that they are charged disciplinary,” explained Enanga.

Previous Incidents

This is not the first time police officers have been fleeced millions of money in fake deals after a scammer in December 2021 dupped a number of officers of millions of shillings with non-existent training deals in Switzerland.

The Fraudster then targeted police officers attached to the directorate of Police Medical Services claiming that they were selected for a trip to represent the Police in Geneva – Switzerland for a healthcare leadership training course organized by the Swiss police in January 2022.

In the scam, the officers were each asked to pay shs600,000 to help them secure express passports ahead of a fake leadership course in Switzerland.

Some of the victims received calls while others received text messages from the fraudster who posed as a director from the police headquarters in Naguru using a landline similar to one used by the Police to dupe them.

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