
Kikuube woman dies on the street after hospital refusing to attend to her

According to local reports, it is alleged the deceased had gone to bury a relative in Rakai district on Friday, and on her return home, she reached Hoima city late and hired a boda boda cyclist to take her to Kikuube town council at her refugee home.

Residents carry body of the unidentified woman who was discovered dead after too much bleeding following the accident she sustained (Photo/Mwima Henry)

KIKUUBE, UGANDA: A 70-year-old woman attached to Bukinda Land evictees who are currently residing at the Kikuube Resident District Commissioner has been found dead on Hoima – Fort Portal Road near Shalome Medical Center.

It is alleged the deceased identified as Scovia Besigireki, 70, had gone to bury a relative in Rakai district on Friday, and on her return home, she reached Hoima city late and hired a boda boda cyclist to take her to Kikuube town council at her refugee home.

However, on their way to Kikuube district, the Boda boda cyclist lost control due to overspeeding at Kibatalya cell in Buhimba town council hence leading to an accident.

According to the sources, the Boda boda rider returned the deceased to Buhimba town council to seek medical attention which was a boomerang since medical officers at Shalome Medical Center failed to attend to them.

“The woman died due to lack of medical attention because they came here in the wee hours of today and tried to wake the doctors but doctors refused to open and attend to them hence leading to death due to too much bleeding,” the source said.

According to Twinomugisa Julius the Chairperson IDP camp, Besigireki’s death has been unpleasant information to fellow evictees.

“It is unfortunate our collegue has died after an accident, but all this is mainly because of the limited health services in the district and also a challenge to the Kikuube District authorities for failing to return use to our ancestral ask to per court order,” Mr Bomugisha said.

Iddi Kura Zikurabe, a son to the deceased speaking to DailyExpress on phone said his mum to succumbed to death due to poor health services in Kikuube district adding that , to after they tried to their level best to get medication however they were unable to be helped.

The body of the deceased was by press time taken to Buhimba Health Center III pending postmortem.

It should be recalled, the Bukinda evictees include over 1000 people who were forced out of their ancestral Land by the office of the Prime Minister claiming the land to be belonging to Kyangwali Refugee resettlement.

They are mainly women and children who were evicted from the villages of Bukinda, Kavule, Kyeya, Bwizibwera Nyaruhanga, Kabirizi, Nyamigisa and Katoma among others, in the Kyangwali sub-county and for quite long time they have been promised by government to be returned to their ancestral Land government but up to now they are still seeking refugee at the Kikuube Resident District Commissioner’s office.

At the time of filing this report, authorities in Buhimba Town Council were yet to release a statement about the matter.

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