Jimmy Spire Sentongo, is a Ugandan political theorist, cartoonist and columnist with the Observer paper in Uganda. Besides heading research at UMU, an editor of the Uganda Martyrs University monograph series, Mtafiti Mwafrika (African Researcher) . He is also a philosophy lecturer Makerere University.
In his recent publication, Spire took to his Twitter handle..“that the nature of services we received depends on the attitude of the stakeholders“.
”The threats directed to my life are serious but, I vow never to quit rather, to continue advocating for change and better social service.” There is a possibility of overcoming the intended harm!!..…so many people within the government appreciated the spirit and revelations of the Exhibitions.
The boldness and determination of the professor, sound a replica of the African imperialist; Thomas Isidore Sankara, a fiery Marxist -Leninist whose unwavering support for the revolution and movements dominated the imperialistic struggles.
Nicknamed Africa’s Che Guevara noted, ”that it’s difficult to speak to people if they are not integral, to being part of the struggle.” His relentless effort towards corruption made Sankara an enemy of all corrupt presidents of whom corruption is a tool of conquering and Pillaging the resources of the nation. An enduring legacy for conscious African citizens is more relevant than ever

The inventor of the popular #Ugandaexhibitionchallenge has been reproached due to the fears and suspicion of those at the helm but chooses to write vehemently against the insolent occurring in Uganda. Don’t be discouraged by the pitfalls and their worries, pain endures for the night but joy Cometh in the morning, alluding to the relevancy of Steve Bikos’ Book entitled ”I write what I like”
Relevancy of Spire’s #Uganda exhibition challenge ……
The modern concept of social justice, as developing human potential, began to emerge through the work of a series of authors. Baruch Spinoza in On the Improvement of the Understanding (1677) contended that the one true aim of life should be to acquire “a human character much more stable than [one’s] own”, and to achieve this “pitch of perfection… The chief good is that he should arrive, together with other individuals if possible, at the possession of the aforesaid character.
Pope Pius XI explicitly referred to the expression, along with the concept of subsidiarity in catholic social teaching then, again in divine Redemptoris, the church pointed out that the realization of social justice relied on the promotion of the dignity of the human person.
The egocentric traits in different sectors of the government have been exposed through the #Uganda exhibition challenge championed by Jimmy Spire, and the utmost attention accorded,. The Validation exercise conducted in Kamuli Regional Referral Hospital witnessed an overhaul in the staff performance prior to the #Ugandahealthyexhibition.

The #Kampala potholes exhibition. Triggered the Government and Kcca to act immediately on a few city road potholes.

Tagging and exposure in the #Uganda Exhibition challenge may not provide full solutions to the existing debacles of Ugandan but may act as a ”rudder” in transforming the Nation, notes the academia.
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