
A step-by-step guide on updating your particulars in the NRM Registration exercise

Kampala, (UG):- The ruling National Resistance Movement (NRM) party will, effective Wednesday, March 13th to Sunday, March 17th, carry out the update of its register, an exercise that aims to ensure that the membership details are all up-to-date in the run-up to its internal and 2026 general elections.

The update of the party’s register exercise was officially launched last Wednesday by President Yoweri Museveni who also doubles as the National Chairman in an event that was held at the NRM Secretariat at Kyadondo Road in Nakasero, Kampala.

During the launch, the President said the exercise, a crucial activity for the party’s electoral roadmap for the 2026 elections, also serves as a reminder for the NRM leaders to emphasize the four NRM ideologies with the members to ensure that the party continues to attract more members during the exercise.

Starting March 13th, 2024, a member of the NRM will just need to go to their NRM village office or designated location where the exercise is taking place and meet with their respective party registrars to present their details.

Upon receipt of the member details, the registrar will proceed to update the details or amend as presented in the NRM Yellow Book, which then certifies the member as a bonafide NRM cadre and eligible for the party’s electoral activities and the national elections at large.

Watch video below for a visual step-by-step on updating your particulars as an NRM Member

Upon conclusion of the registration exercise on 17th March 2024, the display of the new register will take place in all the 72000 villages in the country.

“On the final date (17th March 2024), all villages around the country will hold the Baraza to ascertain the details entered in the village register, this will help confirm that these are bonafide registered members in the ruling party, ” said Dr Tanga at the launch of the exercise last week.

The NRM electoral activities according to Dr Tanga will start at the village level and proceed until the end of March when all party chairpersons at the village level will be elected and confirmed.

Between March 19 and 24, Dr Tanga said the party shall call for expression of interest and nominate candidates for the party structures at the village and cell level and between arch 25 and 26, campaigns will be organized in every village.

“On March, 27, the party shall have polling and announcement of results of party structures at village level and on April, 5, the compiling of the register will start at the parish level, and on 12, a compilation of the voters register and polling of party structures will take place at sub-county and town council levels,” stated Dr Tanga.

The exercise will continue at municipal and city division levels on April, 16, district and city levels on April, 19 whereas between April, 20 and 30, will be for compilation of the register and sending final results to the party secretariat.”

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