
Bugwere Premier urges continued virtuous behavior, media responsibility for chiefdom development

Bugweri, (UG):- In a heartfelt address to his Muslim subjects, the respected Prime Minister of Obwa Ikumbania bwa Bugwere, Rt. Hon. Mugulusi Moses Joel has expressed his gratitude and appreciation for their diligent observance of the holy month of Ramadan and urged them to celebrate joyously and pray for the continued progress and unity of Bugwere Cultural Institution.

During a press briefing held at his home, Mr Mugulusi commended the Muslim community for their unwavering dedication and discipline, as demonstrated through their fasting and acts of charity throughout Ramadan.

He emphasized the significance of such practices, which foster self-control, empathy, and a deepening of spiritual connection with God.

The Prime Minister called upon all Bagwere, irrespective of religious affiliation, to emulate the exemplary conduct exhibited by their Muslim brethren during the holy month and encouraged parents to continue teaching their children discipline, emphasizing the importance of instilling moral values and a strong sense of reverence towards God.

“Ramadan has been a time of reflection, selflessness, and spiritual growth for our Muslim brothers and sisters,” stated Prime Minister Mugulusi Moses Joel. “Let us all strive to embody these virtues in our daily lives, irrespective of our faith, and work towards building a harmonious and prosperous Bugwere Kingdom.”

Addressing the aspirations of the Bugwere people, the Prime Minister seized the opportunity to urge his subjects to continue praying for the swift and successful installation of the New Ikumbania (King).

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He emphasized the significance of unity and collective prayers in paving the way for a peaceful transition of leadership, ensuring stability and progress for generations to come.

Furthermore, Mr Mugulusi emphasized the crucial role of media in shaping public opinion and fostering development in Bugwere Cultural Institution. He called upon media practitioners to utilize their platforms responsibly and ethically, promoting truthful reporting, objective analysis, and constructive dialogue.

The Prime Minister emphasized that a well-informed and engaged citizenry, supported by responsible media, is vital for the positive growth and development of the kingdom.

In conclusion, PM Mugulusi expressed his gratitude to the Muslim community for their invaluable contributions to the social fabric of the Bugwere Cultural Institution.

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He reiterated his commitment to fostering an inclusive society that celebrates diversity while upholding the core values of peace, harmony, and mutual respect.

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