Open letter to Minister Babalanda on newly created position of Assistant RDCs/RCCs

By Tenywa Alexander

To the Minister for Presidency
Honourable Babirye Milly Dokha Babalanda.

Warm Regards Mama and thank you for spearheading the fight against corruption, promoting of patriotism and streamlining the office of Rdc’s/RCCs.It is noticeable that the discipline of these commissioners is well stipulated in your regime as minister for Presidency.

Section 70(2)of the Local Government Act Cap 243 stipulates the appointment of RDC, deputy or Assistant and the similar Act section ( 71) clearly States their respective functions.

It’s on the above background that I congratulate the Newly appointed commissioners and also laud you Honourable Minister for having closed the staffing gaps in such offices where most commissioners have been leaving their office lagging in the hands of their secretaries in the absentia of their deputies and while they as seniors are busy in field monitoring and supervising government programs.

To avoid internal fights, egoism, and intrigue in the line of duty, I humbly request your office to clearly State the tasks for the new commissioners in a well-stipulated manner.

Zeroing to mobilization as one of the tasks for the new commissioners, there is a need to mobilize most youths country-wide right away from the grassroots and evaluate the implementation of government programs. It’s upon the new commissioners to device mechanisms of talking to the said youths because they are the most supporters of the opposition.

They need to be oriented about development which is being steered by the ruling government.

I therefore call upon your office in conjunction with the Uganda Communications Commission to implement the directive which mandates every broadcasting station to avail One hour of their airtime to government people every week and it’s upon the new commissioners in charge of mobilization to fully utilize it in sensitization of the public about government achievements, programs and also spreading the gospel of patriotism.

On corruption and individuals who want to fail the government programs, the new commissioners should coordinate with the criminal investigation department of police or Inspector General of Government to bring the crooks to book as opposed to writing intelligence reports where no action is taken.

Being that most of the new commissioners have strong media backgrounds they should use it to expose corrupt officials and even fight back in case they are attacked.

Identifying presidential pledges, gaps where the government is not doing well as an institution and ensuring timely service delivery. By doing so patriotism will unfold itself as they execute their duties.

Lastly for commissioners who harbour political ambitions of contesting in the forthcoming polls in their preferred constituencies, some of which are in their deployment areas an example is Bugweri district.

This will cause a conflict of interest in decision-making where their respective supporters are to be affected hence rectification in such incidents is required.
Long live Mama Long live NRM.

The writer is a seasoned investigative Journalist and Eastern Region Youth Coordinator – NRM (atmproalex@gmail.com)

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