Why Hadijah Namyalo should be awarded a Bridge Builder Award

By Namisango Harriet

Hajjat Hadijah Namyalo is a shining example of a true bridge builder, dedicating herself to reconnecting people and rebuilding relationships. Through her tireless efforts, she has fostered greater understanding and empathy among diverse groups and brought together individuals from different backgrounds and perspectives.

She has helped to heal divisions and mend fences within the party and worked tirelessly to promote unity and inclusivity. Hajjat Namyalo has demonstrated exceptional leadership and vision in guiding others towards a common goal.

Her remarkable ability to listen, understand and address the concerns of all people has earned her the respect and admiration of everyone involved. She has truly embodied the spirit of a bridge builder and her contribution has made a lasting impact on our party and the country.

Therefore I request His Excellency The President of Uganda to consider Hadija Namyalo with the Bridge Builder Award. This prestigious honour would recognise her extraordinary efforts in building bridges between diverse groups, fostering greater understanding and promoting unity within our party.

Her leadership and dedication as the Manager of the Office of the National Chairman have transformed the NRM party once plagued by greed and corruption into a beacon of hope and progress.

Her selflessness and commitment to the people’s interests has won over the hearts of many who had previously written off the party, her efforts has restored trust and faith in NRM party. She has proven that with integrity, compassion and vision even the most broken system can be redeemed and made to serve the greater good.

Hadijah Namyalo is a visionary leader who has assembled a dream team that has captured the admiration of everyone around Uganda.

With a keen eye for talent and a deep understanding of what it takes to succeed, Hadija has handpicked a group of individuals who embody the perfect skills, passion and dedication.

Under her guidance this Team has achieved remarkable success, breaking down barriers and shattering expectations. Their accomplishments are direct results of Hadijah’s ability to bring out the best in each Team member, Empowering them to take ownership and drive results.

The writer; Ms Namisango Harriet is the ONC Coordinator for “Hard to reach Areas”

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