A joke runs through my mind that if hard work pays, why are donkeys poor! I know philosophers will philosophize and say that a donkey is irrational but I am here not to discuss this philosophically.
Before I am taken to be crazy an illustration of orange juice could bring my point home because when an orange is squeezed, nothing else comes out apart from orange juice. Knowing that this world is not a smooth road, many people when squeezed will show anger, hatred, bitterness, fear and quarrels. Good qualities like perseverance, persistence and patience will not be on the list.
Martin Luther King Jr. noted that “Not everyone can be famous but everyone can be great because greatness is determined by service”. If one works to be famous, the religious, family and class spirit will lead because that is what he is made of. The spirit of service is evident among the “great” through their actions. One retreat master asked us ‘’who will enter your heart ‘’ in other words nobody will dissect your heart to know who you are, the bible puts it forth that they will be judged by their fruits. Rt Rev. Kevin Farrell the former Arch Bishop of Dallas’s statement was quoted in Fr Dr. Mukasa Martin’s priestly silver jubilee souvenir Magazine. It states that “we help people because we are Catholics but not because they are”. I would change it to feet my article that “we help people not because we expect from them but because the meaning of life is brought forth through love.
Kahil Gibran noted that “you can forget a person with whom you shared a laughter but not the one with whom you shared a cry”, this is the reality. It’s our joy in life to find the strong arm of a kind comrade to help us with our load. This comrade is the one taken as a genuine friend. A genuine friend can be defined as that person you get to know when both of you are no body. since It is little drops of water and grains of sand that make the mighty ocean, the acts of kindness done with love will make mother Earth a new home. Kindness is the only investment that lasts forever,
Remember, when you give, you create way for receiving, when you give, life has a way of giving you back, when you grow by raising each other its great for goodness is evident in lifting someone else. Small and insecure people pull others down while Great people raise others up and every single person you raise it takes you higher. Throughout history those who tried to enrich themselves and those who tried to climb up the ranks of power, fame and fortune by eliminating others were eventually themselves eliminated.
Dr K. N. Jacob explained that When you learn, teach because when you teach, you master what you learn. Rich people know that money is a slave and many believe that when you get, give for when you give you master your money and hence when you do not give, money masters you and it controls you or it becomes your god. Worldly things like money are at the steering wheel of our life nowadays. We should agree that money will never be enough and Just like fire, money is a good servant but a bad master.
The captains and fishermen realize that when they fight against big waves, that is when they approach the coast. Our great wave is that which is controlling us! You were never created to pursue money, riches, honor and fame. Rational Beings are not cheap to that extent. You were designed to pursue a higher goal. Surely too much blood has been wasted!
Worldly things like money were meant to be by products and hence destined to be used in pursuit of a higher calling and when you are motivated or inspired by a higher calling, you look up to another day and begin to love what you do. You will therefore never die unsatisfied and will run the race of the ‘’great’’ hence you will be counted among them one day.
The author is; Frank Ekaleet Olok, Alokolum National Major Seminary (Gulu)
Email: ekaleetfrank1212@gmail.com
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