OP-ED: Domestic water vendors should be fair to us

Domestic water consumers will now pay additional sh4.22 per litre per 20 litres of water, according to the statement from National water and sewerage corporation NWSC,a state utility company charged with distribution of water.

Domestic water consumers will now pay additional sh4.22 per litre per 20 litres of water, according to the statement from National water and sewerage corporation NWSC,a state utility company charged with distribution of water.

The sigh relief is that the increase is so insignificant to cause any stirs in a cup of tea. However, it will be absurdity to hear that domestic water vendors have increased the price of a jerrycan of water.

According to the changes, NWSC is still selling jerrycan at less than Shs.100 which is affordable for vendors to sell at only Shs200.

According to NWSC, the public standpipes which serves the poorest people is unchanged at shs. 21.2 per 20 litres. This gives an advantage to poor people to enjoy government services.

Experts say that the need to increase the quality of supply given the current increase in price of dollars and hence price of fuel like diesel which is used to run machines that pump water is the major reason why NWSC board thought it wise to adjust a bit in water prices.

What we need now is to task NWSC to increase their coverage of safe water to ordinary Ugandans in order to achieve our National development goals in Vision 2040 as well as the Sustainable development goals of the UN.

In conclusion, putting a right price on water will encourage people to waste less, polute less,and invest more in water infrastructure.

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Ben Ssebuguzi is the Secretary General Uganda Poor youth Movement.


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