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Drama as magistrate is caught sitting exam for LDC student

KAMPALA, UGANDA: A newly recruited magistrate has been caught impersonating a student in the ongoing final examinations at Law Development Center (LDC) Lira campus.

Musa Amaaei Ssemwogere was caught on Wednesday this week sitting an exam on land transactions for his girlfriend Irene Mutonyi.

As is usually the case in other institutions where there are promotional assessments, law students are always subjected to the final exams of their bar course for which a failure would mean a full repeat of the year course, hence turning them to find alternative measures of making sure they excel.

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The newly appointed magistrate was charged with three counts of personation contrary to Section 381(1) of the Penal Code Act, forgery contrary to Section 351 of the same Act and uttering false document contrary to Section 351 of the Act.

Ssemogerere is among the 87 magistrates who were appointed by the Judicial Service Commission on July 13 this year.

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