
JINJA: Court remands notorious fraudster for impersonating as State House official

Remanded: Notorious Jinja Fraudster Nuwagaba Abdul Haman Ssempijja

JINJA, (UG): The Chief Magistrate’s Court in Jinja District today charged and remanded a 39-year-old Nuwagaba Abdul Haman Ssempijja, on charges of impersonating a State House Official and using his self-imposed powers to con residents of their money.

According to Kiira Regional Police Spokesperson SP James Mubi, it is alleged that on August 11, 2023, Nuwagaba impersonating as a public officer came at CPS Jinja and identified himself as State House official before Detective IP Bogere Micheal.

“The accused (Nuwagaba) the went ahead and instructed IP Bogere to submit case file vide CRB 145/2023 of Bugembe police station to him. IP Bogere developed suspicious on the true identity of Nuwagaba, prompting police to verify his identity with State House officials,” SP Mubi said.

When contacted to verifying the suspect’s identity, the Deputy Press Secretary to the President Mr. Farouk Kirunda denied knowing Nuwagaba and said he has never been an employee of State House.

Further investigation revealed that Nuwagaba has for long been masquerading as a public officer in various positions, ranging from being a state house official, police officer, UPDF official, officer attached to the office of the DPP and Judicial officer and he has never worked with any of the above offices.

For example, in June 2023, Jinja police arrested one Kato Brain charged with aggravated robbery, but in the aftermath of events, Nuwagaba reportedly met the wife of the accused (Kato Brain) with intent to defraud her.

“Nuwagaba told Stella Namakula to give him six millions to work on the release of Kato Brian as a way of getting him police bond but Namakula later realized that she was defrauded by Nuwagaba andreported to matter to police,” the regional police spokesman said.

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“The fraudster also claimed that he was recruited by the former Police Chief, Gen. Kale Kayihura who connected him to former Deputy IGP Muzeyi Sabiiti and AIGP Edward Ochom, but the latter disowned him, saying that they have never worked together,” he added.

Mubi says police intensified the search for the suspect (Nuwagaba) immediately after his arrested, search was conducted at his house in Magwa, Jinja city, and exhibits of fake court, police and state house documents were retrieved and exhibited.

A resident of Jinja speaking on condition of anonymity told this DailyExpress that; “For over a decade, he has been so powerful that security agencies like police have been fearing him. He has been using his powers to rescue arrested criminals from Police.”

So Mubi therefore cautioned the public to refrain from dealing with such people of dubious character, and always exercise due diligence to curb out such elements of fraud from within the community.

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“Police would like to caution all members of the public to stop dealing with people of dubious character and always exercise due diligence when conducting matters relating to buying land, police cases, dealing with sensitive government officials or offices to avert instances of being defrauded by such dubious characters.”

Subsequently, the presiding Jinja Court Magistrate, Her worship Phiona Angura remanded Nuwagaba to Kirinya Prison in Jinja District until Monday, August 21, 2023.

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