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Man, 26, shocked to discover that lover he met on Facebook is male

Ibra Mukaya (left) and Joseph Nsubuga. PHOTOS | FRED MUZAALE

Kayunga, (UG): A 26-six-year-old man of Ngeye Village in Busaana Sub-county, Kayunga District is still in total shock after discovering that the woman he dated for over two years through Facebook is a man.

Ibrahim Mukwaya, 26, came into the spotlight last week after a story by DailyMonitor which indicated that the supposed lovebird he met and seduced on Facebook was a man from Masaka District who fooled him and his relatives during a penultimate home visit by disguising himself in a hijab.

The Newspaper reported that Mr Mukwaya on the fateful day took his to-be wife to bed after the penultimate visit only to discover it was a man.

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He made an alarm which attracted neighbours who pounced on and clobbered the imposter before marching him to the police where he identified himself as 17-year-old Joseph Nsubuga from Masaka, about 200 kilometres away from Kayunga.

Nsubuga told police officers that he had assumed the name Rose Namutebi as his false female identity.

However, police detained the duo for a couple of days on suspicion of involvement in homosexuality, but were released days later without charges and Mr Nsubuga handed over to relatives who fled from Masaka.

It is not yet clear if Rose Namutebi is actually a person one existence or a random name adopted by the suspect to dup his targets on social media, and now authorities have tramped up the search efforts to hunt for his kinsmen.

A thorough investigation by police authorities sketched the suspect’s portrait as that of a Primary Six dropout and a habitual trickster who in the past allegedly fleeced unsuspecting men by masquerading as a woman.

Mukwaya, a single parent who had scouted for a wife for a couple of years says the the turn of events last week was not what he expected to reap.

Despite the setback, he said he will not relent, and that his heart thirsts for a God-fearing and disciplined woman.

“I am still shocked because I didn’t expect such a thing [a man duping him for a wife], but I am happy that fellow residents have volunteered to get me a wife,” he said of the “traumatising” experience.

Mukwaya said his misfortune has turned him into a laughing stock in the village and he gets nightmares too, which combined have opened his eyes to critically examine the next bride.

He said he is so disturbed that he has a phobia for strangers from whom he finds himself fleeing momentarily, mistaking them for law enforcement officers.

But now those woes appear headed to an end if frantic efforts by local leaders and residents yield a wife for Mr Mukaya this month.

Mr Bernard Obothi, the chairman of Ngeye Village where Mr Mukaya hails from, said yesterday that they are all out to help “urgently” find a wife for one of their own “so that he can go back to his normal way of life”.

Some volunteers are already raising funds to organise a marriage for Mr Mukwaya even before a bride is confirmed.

“He himself is also looking around for a woman he can marry so it is something we are all doing to see that by the end of November, he has someone to cook for him,” said Ms Robina Nanteza, a resident.

This is the second such incident in Kayunga District, the first being in 2020 when a one Sheikh Mohammed Mutumba discovered that he had gotten the hand of a man in marriage after their wedding.

Additional Reporting by Fred Muzaale / Monitor

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