Are Ugandans now confident?

Confidence!! The speaker and deputy speaker beautifully welcomed fellow speakers to such a confident pothole city.

By Alibawa Saire

Understanding of confidence, philosopher and novelist Pépin asserts that to achieve it we must trust the process of our interaction with other people and life itself; that only through our experiences with one another and being in awe of our tiny place in the great cosmos do we truly develop a stronger sense of self.

Where does self-confidence come from? How does it work? What makes it stronger or weaker? Why are some people more confident than others? Is it only a question of temperament or the result of conscious self-improvement? How do you get closer to those who stand out thanks entirely to their confidence in themselves?

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Confidence is the inner ability to believe in one’s self ,the zeal expressed at doing something can be related to confidence, one can be confident of the other person,’just as dad being confident in his son’. Modern critical thinker Aristotle indeed placed the brave man between the two poles of fear and confidence. The man who exceeds in confidence is rash, and he who exceeds in fear and falls short in confidence is a coward.

Self-confident individuals are decisive and make decisions based upon what they think is the best option and avoid overthinking. Additionally, self-confident people are viewed highly by others and may be more likely to receive a job opportunity or promotion than an equally qualified, less confident Nobody is born confident.

Confidence is something you develop as you go through life and as you put yourself in new situations or new environments. When you see others who ooze confidence, they weren’t born that way. These ideas can be systematically studied and gradually learned so that the roots of excessive hesitancy and compliance can be overcome. We can school ourselves in the art of confidence. Ugandans have surely mastered and learnt and practised confidence.

Confidence!! The state of hospitals in Uganda only portrays our confidence levels Who seems bothered anyway?

Uganda seems to be in an unstable equilibrium (but an equilibrium nonetheless) where the state and the citizen, the rich and the poor, those who support the government and those who oppose it have agreed to an unwritten yet grand bargain. With confidence, Here, public officials are free to pillage the treasury and deliver little in public goods and services! In return, the citizens are free to exercise their impunity of not respecting the law. -confidence.

In many ways, therefore, the government is confident. It tolerates the corrupt and incompetent in government, the lawbreakers – rich and poor. The potholes on the roads and the freedom of those who quarrel in the media are tolerated. -confidence! The rich who have stolen public land, evaded taxes, built-in wetlands and road reserves, or killed their workers are tolerated.-confidence!Every Ugandan has a piece of their impunity protected and promoted, and that’s confidence.

The unasked magical question is? With the confidence learnt and showcased, do we have hope of putting the rouges and impunities, right?

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