
Zombo RDC Pius Alitema dead

Fallen Zombo District RDC Rt. Lt. Col. Pius Alitema (Photo.NewVision)

Zombo, (UG):- The Resident District Commissioner for Zombo District, Rtd Lt. Col. Pius Alitema is dead.
Alitema who became RDC of Zombo in 2022 died on Friday, March 8, 2024, at about 2:50 pm, as he was rushed to Holy Family Hospital Nyapea in Zombo district.

Initial reports have pointed to high blood pressure and low sugar levels as the possible cause of his death.

DailyExpress understands that the fallen RDC had been managing the medical conditions for some time with guidance and regular reviews executed by highly proficient medics in the country.

The political leadership of Zombo District, led by the LC5 Chairperson, Mr Oyullu James Oruna have admitted to having lost a profound, formidable and patriotic pro-people leader who has assimilated and acclimatized well with the situations of the people and the district as a lower local government administrative unit.

Speaking to DailyExpress on Friday evening, Mr Oyullu confirmed the demise of his RDC, who he said passed on after complaining of body weakness.

“We lost him at 2:50 pm Nyapea hospital confirmed to me he died of high blood pressure and low sugar levels we took the body to Nebbi General Hospital for management,” Oyullu told this publication.

The District boss also expounded on how he benefited from the guidance of the fallen Alitema saying; “I always called him a senior comrade, could guide me acted like a father to me and was passionate about delivering development in Zombo District.” 

Col Alitema will be remembered for his earnest and candid kind gestures and contribution to monitoring government projects, Dialogue as a strategy to end land disputes and curtailing corruption by interdictions of suspects.

For example, in July last year, Alitema received 15 members of the Uganda Homeland Liberation Front accused of orchestrating attacks on the Uganda People’s Defense Force (UPDF) detach in Teru village, Zeu sub-county Zombo district after they were given amnesty by Uganda.

In May 2023, hundreds of Congolese, mostly Alur by tribe, fled into Uganda following clashes between clan leaders near the border town of Padea and the Jang-Okoro sub-county in the Zombo district. Many of the asylum seekers took refuge at the border town of Padea and some parts of Jangokoro sub-county.

In a peace-building mission, following the influx, Rtd Lt Col Pius Alitema and the LCV chairperson of Zombo district led a delegation from Uganda for talks with officials from Mahagi Territory in DR Congo over the Territorial boundaries.

The late Col Alitema was formerly an officer at the Internal Security Organisation (ISO) where he served for more than 30 years at different levels before he was appointed Zombo RDC in 2022, replacing then-RDC Andrew Kanjoingi.

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