The current state of political prisoners

By: Wabusimba Amiri

In a political landscape where differences and division seem to be the norm, it is refreshing to see individuals like Katerega Ali, an NUP councillor and Hon Balaam Barugahara willing to put aside their personal agendas and come together for a common cause. The initiative to see all the political prisoners released is a bold move that deserves attention and commendation.

Katerega Ali, is a Nup councillor in Masaka City who has been vocal in his call for the release of all political prisoners in Uganda. His advocacy for the rights of prisoners, particularly the younger generation, has not gone unnoticed. And this was evident when he was invited to State House by Hon Balaam Barugahara to witness the minister’s swearing-in ceremony.

For those who have never been behind bars, it may be hard to understand why Hon. Balaam took such a gesture. But for those who have experienced life in prison, it is a clear and powerful statement of solidarity and empathy. In Uganda, the conditions in prisons are deplorable, with overcrowding, inadequate healthcare, and inhumane treatment being some of the major issues. The youth, in particular, are disproportionately affected by these conditions.

But regardless of the motives behind Balaam’s request, the issue at hand is one that needs to be addressed urgently. Uganda’s prisons are notoriously known for their poor conditions and violation of human rights. Young people, especially those from vulnerable backgrounds, are at a higher risk of falling victim to these injustices. Thus, the call for their release can be seen as a call for justice and fairness.

The release of younger people in prison is a milestone in itself. It means giving them a second chance at life, a chance to turn their lives around and contribute positively to society. It also sends a message of hope and inclusivity, showing that their voices and experiences are valued, and they are not forgotten in the political landscape.

Unfortunately, there will always be those who will castigate such initiatives for their selfish interests. The Nup opposition, in particular, will try to twist and spin this noble cause to fit their narrative and agenda. But let us not forget that the purpose of politics is to serve the people, not to serve one’s own interests.

President Museveni has often been labeled as a dictator by his opponents. And while there may be some truth to this claim, it is also essential to recognize that even dictators can change and evolve. President Museveni has been in power for over three decades, and it is only natural that he has made mistakes along the way.

But he has also implemented policies and programs that have brought about positive change in the country, such as improvements in infrastructure, education, and healthcare. Therefore, it is unfair to dismiss any of his actions or initiatives solely because of his past.

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The request from the National Unity Platform (NUP) councilor to release political prisoners is a step in the right direction. It shows that even in the midst of political differences, there is a willingness to work together for the greater good. And if President Museveni embraces this request, it will not only be a sign of his willingness to listen and change, but also a sign of true leadership and statesmanship.

Some may argue that if the government is truly concerned about the welfare of its citizens, it should not have allowed the situation to escalate to this level in the first place. However, the fact remains that President Yoweri Museveni holds a lot of power in Uganda and has been in office for over three decades. His administration has the power to break and make laws, and if it is willing to review the cases of the young prisoners and release them, it would be a step in the right direction.

Regardless of one’s motives, anyone who is willing to stand up and advocate for the release of young people in prisons should be commended. Instead of criticizing and casting aspersions on Balaam’s request, we should focus on the bigger picture – the need for justice, fairness, and rehabilitation of young prisoners. It is time to put aside personal interests and work towards finding effective and humane solutions for the overcrowding problem in Uganda’s prisons.

As for those who continue to question Balaam’s integrity, it is essential to remember that in the end, it is the actions taken and their outcomes that will determine their true intentions.

As the saying goes, Rome was not built in a day. Creating lasting change takes time, effort, and compromise. And if this initiative by Katerega Ali and Hon Balaam is successful, it will not only be a victory for the individuals released but also for the country as a whole. It will show that change is possible, and it starts with small but significant steps.

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We should not let our own political biases cloud our judgment and dismiss the call for the release of political prisoners. It is a cause that should be given attention and support, as it is a step towards unity and progress. Let us not be the ones paddling against the tide of change, but instead, let us be the ones to champion it.

The writer is a diplomat, Politician, Journalist and Activist.

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