
Mbale North Speaker pledges better service delivery, value for money in new term

Mbale, (UG):- The newly elected Speaker for Mbale Northern City Division, Hon. Robert Kisesi has pledged to prioritize service delivery and value for money during his term of office.

Kisesi, who replaced Hon Kadimba Hussein made the pledge on Tuesday, May 14, 2024, during a phone interview with DailyExpress soon after his swearing-in ceremony.

The councilors elected Kisesi after he scored 36 votes, to beat his opponents Hon. Waguma Thomas who scored 18 votes and Hon. Kamadi Wandera who scored 1 vote.

Kisesi, who is also the Councillor representing North Central Ward while chairing his first meeting, told the Councillors that he would soon call an ordinary meeting to capture a number of issues that need to be addressed, before embarking on committee meetings.

On his part Kadimba Hussein, the Assistant RCC Mbale City, while handing over to Kisesi the instruments of power, that have been under his custody, said the instruments are very sensitive and have to be carefully utilised.

Kadimba further highlighted corruption and poor service delivery as the major problems affecting the development of the City.

He, however, thanked the President for appointing him as Assistant RCC and promised to work tooth and nail to stamp out the negative vices that have retarded the development of Mbale.

“As Assistant RCC his main role will be to fight Corruption, promoting Patriotism and Mobilisation as assigned by the President,” he said.

For the period he has been serving as the Speaker, Kadimba told this publication that the collection of funds from the field does not tally with what is remitted back by the Central Government.

“While the technocrats claim to be collecting 100 Million Shillings the Central Government remitts back between 15 – 20 Million Shillings only, which means money is stolen in the field.,” he said.

With fighting corruption being one of the major roles in his new appointment, Kadimba says he intends not to sleep on the job but utilise the experience he has gained as a speaker to clean up the mess that has hindered the growth of Mbale City.

A number of media platforms in Mbale have been awash with cases of Corruption, Poor Service delivery, sabotage of government programmes and surging cases of crime, lately.

This publication reported on the 9th May 2024 how “Technocrats at Mbale City’s Industrial Division accused by their political counterparts of non-performance, corruption and sabotage of government programmes, regardless of the fact the city is a big revenue earner as compared to the other divisions in the City”.

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