By Sem. Robert Bigabwargaba In the midst of rapid technological advancements and shifting societal norms, a new generation has emerged, characterized by...
Western Uganda:- In a powerful and historic moment for the church in Western Uganda, Apokalupsis Ministries International celebrated its 5th Anniversary with...
“I invite you to pray the Rosary and to carry it in your hands or your pockets. The recitation of the rosary...
By Sem. Robert Bigabwarugaba It’s now 40 days since the late Archbishop Emeritus Paul K. Bakyenga departed from this world. In scripture,...
Maundy Thursday is the day when Jesus Christ established the sacrament of Holy Communion prior to his arrest and crucifixion.
Palm Sunday is also often called Passion Sunday in the Christian tradition. It is the first day of Holy Week, commemorating Jesus...
“We should not be deceived with the word “mercy” for God forgives sins only if we repent of them”, it is therefore...
Praying the rosary was originally called the Psalter of the Blessed Virgin Mary because Our Lady is venerated by the angelic greeting...
One of the principal qualities of a person with a purpose in life is humility. HUMILITY is the characteristic of being humble;...
‘’I am because you are’’! A message for all generations originates from African tribal children who after being told of the presence...
No one is too poor to do charity and you can never know how that simple act offered to a friend or...
Look at the lives of people who have achieved their purpose, and you can hear them calling you to put yourself into...
The Inter-Religious Council of Uganda (IRCU) umbrella association for all religious denominations has urged the Government to release National Unity Platform presidential...
The State House Anti-Corruption Unit (SHACU) have arrested Sirajje Ssemanda a lead Pastor at Revival Ministries Church, Bombo at Mutukula as he...