
Bizarre scenes as teenager mercilessly rapes mother at knife-point

Crying bitterly over her fate of being raped by her own son, the woman told police that she never imagined even in her dream that she would meet such a fate.

A drug and alcohol addict youth raped his mother in India after putting a blade on her throat, threatening to kill her if she does not surrender to him, police said.

The youth involved in the “despicable act” was arrested on his mother’s complaint, it said.
The incident occurred when the youth reached home under the influence of liquor and drug and made advances towards his mother.

When the woman, a domestic aide, objected to her son’s act, the youth whipped out a sharp knife and put it on her neck to overpower her.

As the hapless woman kept resisting her son’s act, he increased the pressure on the knife’s blade and threatened to slit her throat if she does not surrender to him.

After being subjected to the “despicable act”, the woman managed to reach the police station and lodged the complaint against her son, who was arrested the following day.

Crying bitterly over her fate of being raped by her own son, the woman told police that she never imagined even in her dream that she would meet such a fate.

Working as a domestic aide in her area, the woman had been left even by her husband who too is a druggist, never caring for his wife.

“My husband lives on drugs. He never gives money to run the house. I worked as domestic help and nurtured my four children. I never thought that my son will rape me,” the woman told the police.

About her son, she told police that his son has been living in a bad company and become a drug addict.
“He would always keep a knife with himself and a blade in his mouth. He is cruel by nature and prone to picking up fights with local people,” she told police.

On her complaint, police sent her for medical examination and managed to arrest the youth the following day.

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