By Ntogona Umar
Much as government halted the creation of new administrative units due to a lack of resources to fund its operations resulting from a cracked economy, many district councils have continued to sit and pass resolutions creating new constituencies, Municipalities, districts, etc., Luuka inclusive.
On 30th May 2023, the Luuka District Council passed a controversial unpopular resolution to create a new constituency called Luuka Central. The motion was moved by Councillor Shaban Batwala and seconded by Hajji Badiru Ngobi. Luuka district currently has two big constituencies ie; Luuka south and Luuka north. The proposed new constituency will cover Luuka TC, Bulongo & Irongo sub-county.
However, this has raised a lot of dust from the local people who are the greatest stakeholders, LC three chairpersons and other opinion leaders who prefer the creation of Luuka Municipality. Their main argument is that creating a Municipality means using one stone to kill three birds than a constituency whose Major beneficiary is only its member of parliament.
Mr Luwano Baker in his words says; “There are some pertinent issues which require to engage stakeholders before our district leaders do pronounce themselves. It is actually in good spirit to do so.” This means, the Unpopular move by councillors didn’t involve seeking opinion from all relevant stakeholders but rather passed out of selfishness and opportunism.
“As regards the matter at stake, both proposals are good but the issue of a Municipality over weighs the other. Once you attain a Municipality, it is automatic that you will have gotten a constituency, a mayor and a fully-fledged council 3. It will also create jobs for both the learned and unlearned, increased funding and hence better service delivery,” continues the former district speaker.
“It is however incumbent upon the apparent leadership of Bulongo subcounty, and Luuka TC to convene their councils so that their decisions about the same can be transmitted to the district council. I thank you.” concludes the veteran politician.
The same stand is re-echoed by Mr Katente Brian, a youth leader, who says those advocating for a mere constituency are political schemers and called upon the councillors to rethink and withdraw their resolution in favor of a Municipality;
“With the Municipality, I support it because this one has more benefits to the community than a mere constituency. We shall have two in one. Therefore, it’s high time our councillors went back to the drawing board, made research and came up with a motion to call for a municipality.”
It should be remembered that Luuka got many town councils and now it’s time to move on and get a Municipality. I think the councillors lacked guidance and maybe they were driven by an invisible hand somewhere for political interests. To any sober person, it is point clear that a Municipality is far better than a constituency. We call upon the councillors to heed to the voices of the local people and all the stakeholders for the good of Luuka district.
The writer is the ONC coordinator Luuka district, an opinion leader & investigative Journalist based in the Eastern Region.
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