Gunfire rocked Kyotera town council as detectives pursued the suspects who attempted to escape prompting security to shoot the tyres of their...
The Court heard that Nataka embezzled more than sh1.2 billion between February 1st, 2013 and September 30th, 2013 in Kampala.
ASP James Mubi, Kiira regional police spokesperson identified the suspect as Peter Otem, 25, a former security guard at Wolves Security Group.
Denzilanta Nabasirye died on Tuesday last week after she was shot in the chest during a scuffle, as security teams arrested a...
Andrew Bugembe, a top-class pupil at Leos Junior Primary School-Nyendo, mysteriously disappeared from his parents’ home in Kayirikiti village in Nyendo-Mukungwe division...
Private Lokiru had been deployed to carry out intelligence surveillance in the area when he was attacked by suspected armed warriors.
The five allegedly conspired and unlawfully removed the right kidney of Judith Nakintu, a lady they had taken for labor in Saudi...
It is alleged that the councilors of Kyengera town council walked out of the council meeting protesting what they described as the...
In his defense, Ngororano argued that the money was not a bribe but meant to be given to the suspect’s lawyer Ramathan...
The suspect while at Lukung Health Centre III staff quarters, followed her neighbor’s 15-year-old son to the bathroom where she allegedly defiled...
The development comes on the backdrop of heightened joint operations by KCCA , police and the UPDF to keep vendors off Kampala...
Statistics indicate that out of every ten cases reported at police and local council offices, five involve theft by use of chloroform.
The four were on Monday arrested for allegedly procuring a certificate of title and forging documents for the purchase of a 28-acre...
It is alleged that on Wednesday, the three suspects waylaid Geoffrey Byamukama, 41, the LCI chairperson Mpanga village in Buhumuliro sub-county, and...
KMP Spokesperson, Luke Owoyesigyire, says that Duku who has been at large for the last two weeks was picked up from his...
A police statement Monday said the officers were arrested for tampering with narcotic evidence, corruption and unethical practices.
This followed an AFD rebel attack on the night of 13 February at Kayenjye village between Nobili border and Kamango town which...
According to Mutesi, Mabirizi accused Ssekaana of being biased, incompetent and unable to head the smallest court of a family and one who...
Enanga explained that adultery is not a criminal offence but rather a civil one according to police mandate. Therefore, criminalizing it was...
The incident occurred on Sunday evening at around 5pm after the couple developed some disagreements for unknown reason which forced Busobozi to...
Prosecution alleges that on July 24, 2021, at around 09.00 pm, while on guard duties at Kanyamwirima barracks in Bundibugyo, Mwanika gunned...
The person whose identity was still unknown by press time was discovered today morning at around 7:30 am by individuals working around...
The family explained that while in Saudi Arabia, Nakintu underwent an ‘unexplained surgery’ procedure. She suffered a stroke that paralyzed her and...
According to Police, from February 10 when the incident occurred, the girl had been admitted at Ntwetwe health center IV where she...