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FULL LIST: Among, Kadaga among candidates to replace Oulanyah as Speaker of Parliament

Sources at Parliament yesterday said both Among and Onek held several meetings with different legislators yesterday to drum up support for their bids.

KAMPALA, UGANDA: The race on who will replace deceased speaker of parliament Jacob Oulanyah has gained momentum with Deputy Speaker Anita Among announcing bid to elevate her position to that of her former boss.

According to Article 82(4) of the constitution of Uganda, it is well stipulated that t subject to Clause (4) of Article 81, “no business shall be transacted in Parliament other than election to the office of Speaker at any time that office is vacant.”

ICT Minister, Dr Chris Baryomunsi while addressing journalists on Monday said the Cabinet sitting at State House Entebbe and resolved that basing on the constitutional requirements, Parliament shall convene on Friday to fill the vacancy of the speaker.

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“The election of the speaker in Parliament is provided for in the law. My announcement means that political parties can start their internal processes to get flag bearers for the position of the speaker,” he said. The ruling NRM party shortly after issued calls for expression of interest to its members with a deadline of 5pm today.

President Museveni would later on Monday afternoon issue a directive to all the ministers who have interest in contesting for the speakership to resign by closure of business yesterday (Monday), prompting several notable ministerial holders to throw in the towel.

The Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Ms. Anita Among last night joined a growing number of aspirants for the Speaker race and is expected to pick nomination forms at the NRM party headquarters on Tuesday, March 22, at 11 am.

Inside sources revealed that following the news of Oulanya’s death on Sunday, President Museveni spent much of his time calling different legislators both in his ruling NRM party and the opposition.

The source acclaimed that the President was particularly building consensus among Acholi MPs to select a replacement of Oulanyah who hailed from the sub-region. One of the legislators he called was Anthony Akol, the Acholi Parliamentary Group chairperson.

“The President called MP Anthony Akol and wanted to meet him. Akol, however, refused to commit himself to meet the President because he did not explain the agenda for the meeting,” the source said.

“Onek is the most senior Member of Parliament from that region and so the President would want to know what support he has there. Also, he would want to know whether it is Among or Onek who must take the position,” the source added.

Sources at Parliament said both Among and Onek held several meetings with different legislators yesterday to drum up support for their bids.

Below are potential candidates in the speakership race;

Anita Among, Bukedea Woman MP
Currently, the deputy Speaker of parliament, Among has been presiding over most of the House business in the absence of Jacob Oulanyah. She is the woman MP of Bukedea district having joined Parliament in 2016 and went on to retain her seat in the previous elections.

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Anita Among

Among, a former law lecturer at Uganda Christian University Mukono holds a Bachelor of Business Administration (Accounting), a Master of Business Administration (Accounting), and a Bachelor of Laws from Makerere University. She is 48 years old.

Rebecca Kadaga

The former speaker of Parliament, Rebecca Alitwala Kadaga is a Ugandan lawyer and politician who served in the speakership position for two terms (May 2011 to May 2021). She currently serves as the First Deputy Prime Minister of Uganda. She concurrently serves as Minister for East African Community Affairs, in the Cabinet of Uganda.

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Although she has not come out to publicly express interest and bid to rerun for the position he lost to the late Jacob Oulanyah, many legislators and Ugandans are hopeful Kadaga will contest in the race to scoop another term as Speaker of parliament. She currently presents the most credible pedigree and experience among other contenders in the race.

Hilary Onek, Palabek MP

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Eng. Hillary Onek

He is the minister of Relief, Disaster Preparedness and Refugees and Palabek County MP. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering and a Master’s degree in Business Administration. He is 73 years of age.

Jacob Oboth Oboth, West Budama

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Jacob Oboth Oboth

The 50-year-old also serves as State minister for Defence. Oboth holds a Bachelor of Laws from Makerere University and a Master’s degree in Election and Cyber Law from the University of Minnesota. 

Theodore Ssekikubo, Lwemiyaga 

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Theodore Ssekikubo

The Lweiyaga county legislator informed journalists yesterday he is contesting for the seat. He holds a Bachelor of Social Sciences degree, Bachelor of Laws and a Master’s degree in Public Administration. He is 52 years.

Denis Hamson Obua, Ajuri County
Aged 42, the State minister for Sports holds a Bachelor of Arts in Social Work and Social Administration and a Master of Public Administration from Uganda Management Institute.

Abdu Katuntu, Bugweri County

Abdu Katuntu, 57, currently serving as the Member of Parliament for Bugweri County, Bugweri District. Although he joined this parliament’s term as independent, he is a member of the opposition Forum for Democratic Change party. Katuntu previously served as the Shadow Attorney General in the Parliament of Uganda till 2018 and was replaced by Wilfred Niwagaba. He was first elected in 2001.

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Abdu Katuntu

Katuntu is a practising lawyer, having received an LLB from Makerere University and a DIP, LP (LDC) from the Law Development Centre. He is a former member of the Pan-African Parliament from Uganda and the Rapporteur of the Committee on Justice and Human Rights.

The election and swearing-in of the new Speaker of Parliament of Uganda is expected to be conducted on Tuesday 29th March 2022.

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