
Microfinance support center kicks off training for Emyooga Saccos in Bunyoro

The two-day training was launched at Hoima Resort Hotel in Hoima city where various leaders in Bunyoro Region such as the business community, political leaders, among others attended.

Emyooga Sacco Training in Hoima

HOIMA, UGANDA: The Uganda Microfinance Support Center (UMSC) has launched the campaign of financing Savings and Credit cooperatives in Bunyoro Region.

Dickson Ainamani the assistant business manager at UMSC says the campaign has been launched starting with the training of business trainers who will train members of various co-operatives in Bunyoro region on how to effectively utilize the findings.

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The two-day training was launched at Hoima Resort Hotel in Hoima city where various leaders in Bunyoro Region such as the business community, political leaders, among others attended.

According to reports, after a two-day training, the business trainers will move to their respective districts to train various co-operative members on how to use the Emyooga funds effectively and change their thinking to make a choice of which business type to pursue under the project.

Ainamani explains that the government is working hard to make the Emyooga project successful since the beneficiaries will help the country to reach middle-income status.
“Bunyoro region received over 12.7 billion shillings from the Emyooga project as startup capital, apparently, 3.5 billion shillings have been received as savings from various co-operatives in Bunyoro Region and I think with the support given to co-operatives, we expect an improvement in the standards of living among members hence making the government meet its goal of middle-income status”. Ainamani said.

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According to Ainaamani, Kigorobya Sub-county is the only place in Bunyoro Region which has not yet benefited from the Emyooga project due to some technical problems.

Meanwhile, the Hoima city RCC Hon. Samuel Kisembo Araali asked all district leaders to make a joint effort in order to resolve the challenges hampering the promotion of the Emyooga project.

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