Embrace childhood vaccination for our little ones

“To hell with taking my child for immunization! those vaccines were created by whites to kill us Africans and our children”, says one of the mothers living in a certain community in Uganda. Concerns about vaccine safety have led some parents to decline recommended vaccination of their children, leading to the resurgence of diseases. Reassurance of vaccine safety remains critical for population health.

Childhood vaccines play a crucial role in safeguarding the health of our youngest population. They are a cornerstone of public health efforts, preventing the spread of infectious diseases and protecting children from potentially severe and life-threatening illnesses. Furthermore, vaccines have been instrumental in controlling and eradicating various diseases, contributing to the overall well-being and longevity of children worldwide. 

Vaccine Safety

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Important to note, childhood vaccines undergo rigorous testing and evaluation before they are approved for public use. The process involves extensive preclinical studies, clinical trials, and ongoing monitoring to ensure their safety and efficacy. Regulatory agencies, such as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) carefully review the data before granting approval.

In Uganda, the National Drug Authority (NDA) has a role in ensuring that vaccines coming onto the market meet the quality, safety, and efficacy standards for clinical use. Moreover, vaccines are continually monitored for safety after approval by monitoring the adverse drug reactions even after approval ie post-marketing Surveillance.

How do vaccines work?

These childhood vaccines are designed to stimulate the immune system to recognize and defend against specific pathogens, such as bacteria or viruses. These vaccines contain weakened or inactivated forms of the targeted microorganisms or pieces of them, called antigens. When administered, vaccines prompt the immune system to produce an immune response, including the production of antibodies, without causing the disease itself.

What are the benefits of childhood vaccines?

Disease Prevention: Childhood vaccines are effective at preventing the onset and spread of infectious diseases. Diseases such as measles, polio, and whooping cough, which were once widespread, have been significantly reduced or eradicated in many regions due to vaccination programs.

Herd Immunity; In addition to individual protection, vaccinations contribute to community immunity, reducing the overall prevalence of infectious diseases. 

Long-term Health Benefits: Childhood vaccines contribute to long-term health by preventing serious illnesses that can have lasting effects. For example, the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine prevents not only acute infections but also potential complications like encephalitis (brain inflammation) and deafness.

Economic Impact: The economic burden of treating and containing infectious diseases is substantial. Childhood vaccines are a cost-effective public health intervention, saving both individual families and society at large from the financial strain associated with treating preventable illnesses.

What are the common side effects of childhood vaccines?

Pain, Redness, or Swelling at the Injection Site: One of the most common side effects of vaccines is local irritation at the injection site. This can include pain, redness, or swelling. These symptoms typically resolve on their own within a few days.

Fever: Some vaccines can cause a low-grade fever as the body’s immune system responds to the antigens introduced by the vaccine. Fever is often a sign that the immune system is building protection against the targeted disease.

Allergic Reactions: While extremely rare, allergic reactions can occur. These reactions are usually immediate and can range from mild skin rashes to severe anaphylaxis. This is why healthcare providers monitor individuals for a short period after vaccination.

In conclusion, as we continue to navigate a rapidly evolving world, the commitment to immunization remains critical for ensuring the well-being of current and future generations. By adhering to recommended vaccination schedules and promoting widespread awareness, we can collectively contribute to a healthier and safer world for our children.

The benefits of vaccination in preventing serious and potentially life-threatening diseases far outweigh the risks of these temporary side effects. The safety of vaccines is continuously monitored through rigorous testing and surveillance systems. If you have concerns about vaccines or experience unusual symptoms, it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional for guidance.

The authors are;

  1. Emilly Kembabazi (MSc. Pharmacology Finalist, Makerere University; Lecturer; Islamic University in Uganda (IUIU); and BSN Nurse),
  2. & Lilian Nuwabaine (MSN-Midwife and Women’s Health Specialist

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