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Malnutrition cases on the increase among refugees in Adjumani district

Masudio Margret- Executive Director Rural women for healthy food and economic development (Photo/ David Anyanzo)

ADJUMANI, UGANDA: Malnutrition is becoming a serious concern among the refugee and host communities in Adjumani district; all this is attributed to the harsh climate change on the environment and abuse of the environments around them.

According to Mrs. Masudio Margret the Executive Director for Rural Women for Healthy Food and Economic Development said that many children are at home not doing well health wish due to the long period of pandemic.

The food ratio which is given to them has been reduced whereas some of them have opted for money and where to get this food stuff is a big challenge because of effect of climate change there is a big problem in the food production, the money given to them is so little that it can’t buy enough food stuffs to last for a season 

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Due to the climate change there is little food produce among the host communities which make them to also feed on the seeds reserved for planting in the new planting season because of the high population and high demand for food among the communities whereas in the refugee camps, plots are not enough to cultivate food to carter for the whole family for a year. 

In most cases, the host communities are the one producing the food where both depend on it making it hard for the food produce to last for months and there are no quality seeds and few seed dealers in the district leading to many malnourished children among the refugees and host communities. 

According to world health organisation malnutrition is defined as deficiencies, excesses or imbalances in a person’s intake of energy and/or nutrients. The term malnutrition covers 2 broad groups of conditions. One is ‘under nutrition’ which includes stunting (low height for age), wasting (low weight for height), underweight (low weight for age) and micronutrient deficiencies or insufficiencies (a lack of important vitamins and minerals). The other is overweight, obesity and diet-related no communicable diseases (such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and cancer).

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