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Police probe Lubiri High School Management over negligence in viral bus video

The development comes at a time when Lubiri High School has finally admitted that the students in their viral video belong to the school but noted there was no big case as these were simply engaging in what the school termed as “co-curricular activities”.

Lubiri High School Main gate

KAMPALA, UGANDA: Police has confirmed that Lubiri High School management is currently under investigation over negligence after some of their students were filmed engaged in erotic dances in the now-viral school bus video.

The development comes at a time when Lubiri High School has finally admitted that the students in the viral video belong to the school but noted there was no big case as these were simply engaging in what the school termed as “co-curricular activities”.

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“The students on board belong to our school. They had gone for an agricultural show in Jinja. As Lubiri High School we take a stand on the actions taken in the video to be just a mere dance which is part of the school’s co-curriculum activities, the school said in a statement on Sunday.

Now, police have opened up investigations into the alleged misconduct to ascertain how such an action happened on the bus in public, without the notice of the driver or an assigned staff.

“Some students were caught on camera getting naughty including some sexual behaviour between male and female students who had paired up onto the bus. The biggest question is on how the incident occurred on a school bus without the school staff and driver noticing,” Police spokesperson, Fred Enanga said while addressing the media on Monday at the forces headquarters in Naguru, Kampala.

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He added; “We are going to establish whether there was a teacher who escorted or was supposed to escort the students and whether protocols on security and safety of students were followed.”

Enanga added that the Criminals Investigations Division has put up a task team headed by the commissioner in charge of sexual gender-based violence, child and family protection, and ICT.

“The task team will investigate whether any students used their power to exploit other students while on us and whether any students were victim by any exploitative acts of others. Once they have concluded investigations, we shall see the most appropriate action to be taken against culprits.”

He noted that such indecent practices and behaviours are condemned because of the potential of impairing morals of students, promoting acts of gross indiscipline in schools and tainting the moral fabric of society.

“All these activities fall on the shoulders of the school management. We also remind students of the duty and expectation to behave while at school or outside. The purpose of taking them to school is to study and not behaving in such inappropriate manner,” Enanga said.

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